LS8 33 Fear Never Fixed Anything - - The Live sense8 Podcast Cover Image

Fear Never Fixed Anything

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  3. LS8 33: Fear Never Fixed Anything

In this episode of Live Sense8, Zac and Sheila dive deep into, Fear Never Fixed Anything, Episode 5 in Season 2 of the Netflix Original Series Sense8.

“Fear Never Fixed Anything” Wolfgang Sense8Click To Tweet

Like most Sense8 Episodes, there is a lot of conscious awesomeness going on here.

Sheila and Zac explore what happiness truly is and whether it is possible to bring a childlike wonder into our adult lives.

Politics have always been a tricky topic to navigate. Can a desire to keep things polite and civil interfere with our progress as a human race? Will conscious people claiming their voices and reaching out to each other be the force that evolves our world to a more peaceful way of being?

“Your life is either defined by the system or by the way you defy the system” Nomi Sense8Click To Tweet

Does diving deep into the messages of this series give us a window into why it was canceled? What can we do to honor the Creators messages?

Have a listen and share your thoughts with us.

Grab your tickets to the Live recoding of the Sense 8 podcast with Sheila, Zac, and the cast!!

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