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Fantastical Fun with the Fairies!

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  3. LS8 30: [Interview] Fantastical Fun with the Fairies!
Sense 8 Extacy by Virgo Paraiso

‘The Flower of Ecstasy’ by Virgo Paraiso

Join  Sheila and Zac as they are guided into the mystical portal of enchantment by the Fantastical Fairies of Sense8, Tino Rodriguez and Virgo Paraiso.

Take it from Sheila and Zac, you will never be the same again.  These two partners in creative consciousness infuse the power of the brownie into their masterpieces, opening the viewers to dimensions of understandings that are beyond words.

' You Can Tell The Fans That We Are Lana Approved' Tino RodriguesClick To Tweet

Both Virgo and Tino are well renowned artists who danced in the realms of consciousness to create with Karen and Lana long before Sense8 was birthed.

And do they have stories to tell!

Once you get your fill of the Sense8 insider scoops, sit back and bask in the Divine Wisdom of these two incredible beings. You will feel magic in every cell of your body and chances are, you will have your own ” Nomi!” transformation.

Virgo gives Live Sense8 the incredible honor of premiering his painting ‘The Flower of Ecstasy’ (above) which was inspired by the ecstatic message in the grand finale of sense8.

'I want to enjoy every moment. I am not in a rush to get anywhere because I know at the end, I'm going to cross the same portal that everyone does' Tino RodriguezClick To Tweet

Tino and Virgo’s Gallery

Drawing much of their inspiration from music, Virgo and Tino share their most cherished musicians.

Be sure to check out their singer friends:  Yungchen Lhamo & Sussan Deyhim

Alio Die is the ambient musician from Italy who used Tino’s paintings for his album ‘Honeysuckle’

Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance are two bands they love and listen to while painting.

Other music they are inspired by is: Classical Indian Music, Persian Music, Pre-Columbian Music (Jorge Reyes), Ambient music, World music, Shamanic music, Sainkho Namchylack, Yma Sumac, Azam Ali, Sylvi Alli, Lila Downs.

Just to name a few and of course Debussy, Arvo Part, and old Bolero music.

Be sure to browse the image gallery. Photo credits for the Sense8 behind the scenes images go to the amazing Karin Winslow Wachowski.

Mark your calendars for October 27 because this years featured artist of the Hollywood Forever Dia De Los Muertos is the one and only Tino Rodriguez.

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