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Happy F*cking New Year

(Part One)

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  3. LS8 25: Happy F*cking New Year, Part One
In this episode of Live Sense8, Zac and Sheila dive deep into, Happy F*cking New Year, Season 2 Episode 1 of the Netflix Original Series Sense8.

This Sense8 episode released on December 23, 2016 is not your typical Christmas Special. It is filled with all the layers of emotions we as humans, experience. There is a tranquil peacefulness of the season against the backdrop of conflict the cluster is facing.

This episode is so full of action and concepts of consciousness Zac and Sheila decided to break it down into two parts. This week they discuss the first half of the two-hour episode.

They have already discussed many scenes in their interviews with Michael SommersPurab KohliPaul Ogola, Maximilienne Ewalt and Ethan Stoller which freed them up to dive even deeper into the subtler concepts present in this special episode.

The Opening Scene of the cluster under water was gorgeous in union with the Music: Feeling Good.

Written by Anthony NewleyLeslie Bricusse  and performed by Avicii - Feeling Good

The lyrics, composition and imagery harmonized drew the viewers in to the magic of the episode.

Sheila and Zac also discuss the use of labels to hurt and reduce others, blurred timelines, the power of sex and how to navigate empathy.

Sheila promised to share tips on meditating along with a guided meditation audio.  You can listen to the link here.

What do you think about this episode? We would love to hear from you.

Remember to support and promote the I Am Also A We Con Fundraiser on Indiegogo

To learn more about the upcoming Consciously Awesome Program, email Sheila at

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