LS8 22 [Interview] Rock On with Rajan with Purab Kohli - The Live sense8 Podcast Cover Art

LS8 22: [Interview] Rock On with Rajan with Purab Kohli

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  3. LS8 22: [Interview] Rock On with Rajan with Purab Kohli

In this episode, Sheila and Zac talk with Purab Kohli who plays Rajan, in the Netflix Original Series Sense8.

Find out what Purab believes Rajan’s greatest motivation is.

Learn how Lana surprised the cast with the final script and how Purab feels about the Kala, Wolfgang, Rajan relationship.

Discover how Purab felt about being in the Orgy and why his final line meant so much to him.

“Sensates are evolved human beings. They’ve gone through some sort of evolution. Which means that each one of us can evolve into feeling what they are feeling.” Purab Kohli

“Sensates are evolved human beings. They’ve gone through some sort of evolution. Which means that each one of us can evolve into feeling what they are feeling.” Purab KohliClick To Tweet

Purab also shares with you some his favorite movie roles:

His credits are too vast to list but you can see them all on Bollywoodmdb

Be sure to look for the Purab in the independent movie, Color Black scheduled for release in December 2018.

“You can imagine things that you want and they happen.” Purab Kohli

“You can imagine things that you want and they happen.” Purab KohliClick To Tweet

Also in this episode, The I Am Also A We Con stopped by to share some more details about the  November Sense8 Con in Berlin. Grab your tickets and support their fundraising at

Please  support Sense8 Mural Project. To learn more and donate to this amazing project please visit

Martin Erhardt is taking final submissions for the Sense8 Is My Life Documentary. Pull out your camera and make a short video of how Sense8 has affected you then send to Martin at

Remember to let us know your thoughts in the comments! We love hearing from you.

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