[Interview] Sense8 Is My Life


Martin Erhardt

Want to be a part of the Sense8 Is My Life Documentary?

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Martin Erhardt - Sense8 Is My Life - Livesense8.com - The Live Sense8 Podcast


In this episode of Live Sense8, Sheila and Zac invite their very first guest to the show.

Welcome Martin Erhardt Creator and producer of the Sense8 Is My Life Documentary.

You may recognize him from the What’s Up video and the Sense8 Symposium on Hangouts.

Martin joins Zac and Sheila all the way from Buenos Aires to share his journey and inspiration. He also invites you to participate in the film.

Find out what inspired Martin to create this documentary, why he almost gave up, which story submission brought tears to his eyes and why he bleached his hair blond!

Have you seen the trailer for the Sense8 Is My Life?


Is a documentary about how Netflix original series Sense8 is changing lives forever.

In this documentary, Martin examines the power of fans connecting via a virtual world, inspired to achieve a global goal of convincing Netflix to give this series another season. Grassroots campaigns through internet, social networks, hangouts, twitter, flip flop letters and a petition that collected thousands of signatures from around the world inspired Netflix to produce more Sense8 episodes.

Want to be a part of the Sense8 Is My Life Documentary? Here is how you do it!Click To Tweet

Want to be a part of the Sense8 Is My Life Documentary?

Grab your phone (or camera) and film a short video sharing your personal Sense8 story. How has it affected you? What do you love about it? Speak from your heart.

Send your submission to Martin at: sense8withoutborders@gmail.com

Don’t forget, Martin is also the creator and owner of Onesie Uno. Remember Lito wears a onesie in Sense8.

Be like Lito, buy a onesie from Martin. https://www.instagram.com/onesieuno/

Check out a couple of  Martin’s favorite inspirations:

Join the Global Meditation!

Here is the link to the Global Meditation. Just click on the link and join in.

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